Friday 17 October 2008

Cotswolds & Wales

This past weekend we felt a nudge to get out of Oxford. Sometimes you go to a new place and never explore its beauty and surroundings. We did not want that to be true for us... so we spontaneously decided with a friend to rent a car (on a cheap autumn deal) and go. Of course Ian was the driver and he was 'keen' to be driving on the left side of the road with a manual stick shift! The road systems (even on major highways) here are comprised of one traffic circle after the next which makes driving feel much like a rollercoaster. Public restrooms are almost non-existent even on major thoroughfares, so we had to be creative (we will not offer the details - for your own good). Driving through the Cotswolds was like driving through a place where time had stood still. As we passed through the beautiful and quaint Cotswolds we finally drove into Wales and stayed at a lodge overnight within the Brecon Beacon National Park. Wales was spectacular. It was rugged and wild. The next morning we woke up and scouted out a day hike in Brecon Beacon. The landscape of Wales was reminiscent of New Zealand as we drove and hiked through the Coed y Rhaeadr (Welsh for Wood of the Waterfalls). It was a beautiful trip...



Wales- Woods of the Waterfalls (Sgwd yr Eira)

Sgwd y Pannwr Waterfall

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love those pictures . . . and you are right, it does look like KIWI country. Dad and I encourage the weekend tours so you will be expert tour guides when we come to visit you! Love I x I, Mum

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